Inertia Wave Facts

Inertia Wave Facts

Inertia Wave FACTS

  • Incorporating the Inertia Wave TM is offering limitless training opportunities.
  • The most versatile HIIT device every created.
  • Allows for a high intensity bout without leaving the rack.
  • Offers an optimized solution for Cardio Vascular / endurance demands of clients and athletes.
  • High schools, training centers, colleges, and athletes look to the Inertia Wave TM for its super charged CNS and Cardio Vascular benefits.
  • Gives you a better result, and resistance profile than battle ropes, without the bulky storage and cost.
  • The Inertia Wave was created with the same quality and dedication to innovative training solutions that you have come to expect from a fitness company.
  • Designed out of necessity. An industry first. A versatile light weight 2.6 lb optimal device, space saving, used between or attached to open wall spaces, racks, rigs, or station-to-station.
  • A new proven concept, optimal speed and performance training device for athletes.
  • Time is a limiting factor, Inertia Wave allows you to achieve max VO2, in an extremely small window of seconds.
  • Strength & Burn stations with an Inertia Wave ready for engagement.
  • Medium to High VO2 max Component
  • Where mechanical & thermal energy ignite…optimal combination
  • Light weight, easy storage, with the intensity of a battle rope with many more benefits!
  • The Inertia Wave is Limitless.
  • Top personal trainers, coaches, and team managers are giving their clients and athletes a competitive edge by incorporating the Inertia Wave training strategy into their daily routines.
  • Athletes rely on the precise timing of bodily movements. In contrast, activities that involve smooth and continuous rhythmic movements are more cognitive related, and both improve and increase speed and timing (lighting speed).
  • With the Inertia Wave you will perform movement-based timing transitions – rhythmic actions that rely on timing, and the Inertia Wave has carry-over to fluid and continuous rhythmic movements as it supercharges the Cardiovascular Pulmonary System (CVP). What this means is that the users will increase stamina and become less winded during extreme bouts or demands (i.e. less fatigued).


More Benefits:

  • A. Core Training
  • Balance Training
  • Reactive Training
  • Integrated Resistance
  • Speed, Agility & Quickness Training
  • Cognitive Learning


1-     Anti-Flexion-strength-ABS

2-    Anti-Extension- strength-ABS

3-    Anti- Rotation- strength-ABS

4-   Enhanced Dynamic Posture

5-    Acceleration / Deceleration of musculature

6-   Concentric / Eccentric patterns

7-    Strengthens Dynamic Stabilizers

8-   EPOC-Intense oxygen consumption pre- & post


  • As the oscillating Wave travels along the tubes it collects energy & stores energy. The greater the Wave from the user, the more energy pulses back into the body. The oscillating waves transport energy on a deep local level (core) and engages all things Strength & Muscle endurance related.


  • Most purposeful the Inertia Wave gives us the ability to "feel" or sense what one's muscles are doing as they perform the wave patterns.


  • The Inertia Wave TM goes through several planes of motion. The user adapts to these planes based on spatial and kinetic awareness.


  • Repeated motion in which the Inertia Wave repeats the same movement over and over. Alternating the current to which it moves, as it builds energy in the tubes.


  • The oscillations you perform pump energy into the lines, (tubes) and you work against that energy to get your workout. That allows for an extremely lightweight/portable exercise device that has the capacity for a gargantuan workout. The lines provide constant feedback on the rhythm and forces you are “able” to apply. Just like the European power grid, if you don't provide enough power, your oscillating frequency may suffer. It will look floppy, and energy will decrease. Keeping the fluid, rhythmic, oscillations will pulse the energy into the tubes, and that energy will charge right back into your body. As a comparison, using battle ropes, all the energy goes into the ground. (Dead Energy)


Top 10 reasons the Inertia Wave is a Cool Tool
Composed by Phil Earnhardt.

Phil studied Electrical Engineering at MIT. For the last 20 years, he has studied Bio-tensegrity from an engineering perspective and worked with manual and movement professionals.

  1. Hand strength is important. While we cannot change the size of our hands, we can improve our hand strength. When moving with the Inertia Wave, we intentionally engage our hands with oscillating movement in all directions. The Inertia Wave increases our hand strength and relieves the chronically-held hand tensions.

    9. Inertia Wave provides a highly intense workout in a 2-pound package. The resistance of the workout is generated by the user: the exerciser is working against the inertia of the waves that they are creating. In a classical mechanical impedance model, this energy is called “reactance”. The wave-nature of Inertia Wave exercises makes for a very material-efficient and cost-efficient workout.

    8. While IW workouts have similar motions to Battle Rope workouts, the Inertia Wave feels much more alive. You are pulsing energy into the lines, and the lines are pulsing energy back at you. In terms of that stored-energy impedance model, the IW has a “Q Factor” (or Quality Factor) of around 5. The Quality Factor of Battle Ropes is far less than 1. This doesn’t mean that Battle Ropes are a “bad” workout, but it does mean that Inertia Workouts are far more interesting.

    7. You must control the movement — absorb the energy — of Inertia Wave oscillations with eccentric contractions. Besides adding to the aerobic load, these motion-controlling movements help relax the body.

    6. The Inertia Wave is safe and easy to deploy most anywhere. The nylon anchors work well for all situations. It’s easy to travel with the Inertia Wave. If you’re going on a week-log trip, consider bagging the lW and packing in your luggage, bookbag, knapsack, or rucksack.

    5. Inertia Wave exercises are both a muscular and neurological workout. The “oxygen thief” exercises, is extremely beneficial because our CNS must figure out how to pulse the tubes when our feet are off the ground.

    4. Inertia Wave exercises are extremely low impact.

    3. Since you can pump much energy into the Inertia Wave, HIIT exercises can have arbitrary intensity. The last work segment of your Inertia Wave workout may be the longest 20 seconds of your life.

    2. The Inertia Wave is great for developing symmetrical strength and coordination. Your “inertia wave” (exercise #1) will almost certainly have a higher amplitude on one side, and your “super typhoon” (exercise will have a strong and a weak side. The Crossfire will super charge your oblique system, as it strengthens for anti-torsion, and rotation.  The lines (tubes) don’t judge, but it will give you immediate feedback on how you are moving.

    1. When you play with the Inertia Wave, you’ll feel awkward. You may feel silly. You’ll make mistakes. When pulsing sideways, you’ll have the lines slap against each other — killing their inertia — and you’ll have to start over again. Keep waving. You’ll surprise yourself with your progress. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself having fun.


What is Inertia Wave TM oscillation?

  • Repeated motion in which the Inertia Wave repeats the same movement over and over. Alternating the current to which it moves, as it builds energy in the tubes.
  • The oscillations you perform pump energy into the lines, (tubes) and you work against that energy to get your workout. That allows for extremely lightweight/portable exercise device that has the capacity for a gargantuan workout.
  • The lines provide constant feedback on the rhythm and forces you're “able” to apply. Just like the European power grid, if you don't provide enough power, your oscillating frequency may suffer. It will look floppy, and energy will decrease.
  • Keeping the fluid, rhythmic, oscillations will pulse the energy into the tubes, and that energy will charge right back into your body. As a comparison using battle ropes, all the energy goes into the ground. (Dead Energy)



  • A portable High Intensity Interval Training device (HITT) device designed to enhance athletic performance for athletes, firefighters, military or law enforcement personnel, and others who regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities.
  • The Inertia Wave is a safer, more effective High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or Tabata alternative to the Battle Ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills.

Optimize your daily fitness routine.

The Inertia Wave will give you one of the most optimal High Intensity Interval Training workouts today. The Inertia Wave has more metabolic conditioning and cardio caloric burn than double under jump rope.

Activate your Fat Burning Engines, while increasing overall strength and conditioning. Using the Inertia Wave as part of your HIIT program, with active recovery exercises, preserves muscle mass while still ridding the body of excess fat.

Get a Kick-Ass workout with absolutely zero equipment. If you don’t have access to a gym or if you travel often, you can still condition metabolically & burn fat with the Inertia Wave.

Extremely lightweight and durable. Weighs less than 3lbs., is extremely portable, and its patented design can withstand over 600lbs of torque. Bring it with you anywhere, anytime wherever you go!

Metabolic conditioning, HITT, Tibata Cross Training tool.

The High Intensity Interval Training workout with the Inertia Wave stimulates production of your Human Growth Hormone by up to 450% during the 24 hours after you finish your workout.

Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption

The effects from performing the 7-Methods of Use will kick your body’s repair cycle into hyper drive meaning you continue to metabolically burn fat in the 24-hours after your workout!



  • Smooth, rhythmic, and coordinated movements.
  • Benefits your entire body and strengthens your core.
  • Less than 2.7 lbs., its lightweight, portable and easy to store.
  • With 30 ways to anchor you can work out and take it ANYWHERE!
  • Caloric Burn-EPOC far greater than Battle ropes (SCSU-MIT).
  • 100% Safe when properly practicing the 7-Methods of Use.
  • Does not fray, unwind or tear!
  • Cognitive connections are overwhelming, timing, hand eye coordination increased.



  • Extreme muscle torque & tension on wrist and shoulder joints.
  • Limited benefits engage anterior chain, bad posture
  • Heavy bulky expensive ropes clutter your workout space.
  • Fixed attachments force all energy into floor/anchor point.
  • Burns far less calories (Metabolic Labs SCSU-MIT)
  • A huge liability to your gym or club.
  • Frays, unwinds, plastic-dipped ends fall off.
  • Not a great way to enhance cognitive or athletic abilities


Inertia Wave VS. Battle  Ropes

  • The second you start the 7-Methods of use with the Inertia Wave, your body automatically engages the posterior chain.


  • The Inertia Wave is fundamentally different from battle ropes. After playing with one for a few days, you will agree. Battle ropes essentially have no stored energy and thus a very small energy potential… the attractiveness of elastomeric tubing of the Inertia wave over battle ropes is the amount of stored energy in the tubes themselves. The "Inertia Wave" tubes are alive: you move the tubes; the tubes move you. Jumping off the ground while the tubes are oscillating gives a euphoric feeling. 


  • This not only corrects postural imbalances, it will relieve tight protracted shoulder girdle. The Inertia Wave has a constant pull and pressure based on the elasticity of the elastomer. The pull is constantly challenging the posterior chain to stabilize you from the start. The body inertia you create by disrupting the tubes engages the deep stabilizers and core musculature. (I call it pebble in a puddle) The force originates in and emanates out. When utilizing the 7-methods your metabolic control and energy levels increase which in turn challenge those systems needed to do quick, reflex, intense, bursts of energy in short 2-minute window durations. By performing the 7- Methods segueing from one method to the next, cognitively challenges proprioceptors for greater balance, giving you stronger proximal trunk stability.


  • Battle Ropes have the environment to constantly lift and slam abruptly thus challenge the tissue tension & end range of the muscles.


  • With Battle ropes you need to engage outer muscles just to assist during the lift and slam. Over time Battle Rope trainingincreases tissue tensions thus creating pain- because you’re locked in one position the entire time. Inertia Wave touches on the quality of rhythm, as opposed battle ropes where you just muscle it. The Inertia wave gives you the opportunity to relax more and focus on your breathing and positioning of your body in all planes of motion vs to muscle it up and down which is the case of many athletes.  The Inertia Wave is a portable Tactile Metabolic Conditioning device. It is no joke, and only for people who want to or already are engaged in physical activities above the norm.

A brief description of energy systems:

Let’s look under the hood, shall we? Like a hybrid engine, your body has several ways of turning the stuff you eat into the stuff you do. All these metabolic energy systems are switched on during physical activity, but each plays a different role depending on available energy and the specific demands of the task. Each burns a fuel at a rate — thereby affecting fat loss and muscle gain.


  • The adenosine triphosphate–creatine phosphate (ATP-CP) system, or phosphagen system, supports very brief, high-intensity activities like a single-effort vertical jump.


  • The glycolytic system provides energy for activities of slightly longer duration and lower intensity like strength training.


  • The oxidative system supports long-duration, lower-intensity activities like walking or distance running.

The Inertia Wave “dips” into all three systems. The Inertia Wave burns fat so effectively is that it creates a significant “metabolic disturbance,” At the recover or cool down phase the Inertia Wave requires work from all three energy systems.

For the fitness enthusiast, the take-home lesson is that, unless you’re a competitive endurance athlete, lots of long, slow cardio is probably not the best way to exercise your aerobic system. Higher-intensity activities all in all out may be a more effective and efficient way to build your cardiovascular system — and to burn fat.

The Inertia Wave is rhythmic, with its fluid oscillation decreases tension on the heart, as it engages all core (Inner) and global (outer) musculature. There is what’s called resting compression in muscle bellies. During hard core weight training your heart needs to break through blockages of insane muscle tension.

The Inertia Wave is like doing structured skill work, hence will decrease the brains demand, help with muscle tension in the 2-minute window. The more efficient the moves become, the better you’re with your breathing, the less byproducts are created, the less C02 needed to be blown off.


Here are some great verbal cues

  • Hold end caps securely
  • Mandatory to wear safety straps on Inertia Wave DUO
  • Hold end caps, walk back, with elbows back, until if feels like its “slightly pulling you forward”
  • Keep all your weight towards “heel box” (mid foot to back of ankle)
  • Drive your elbows back (fists close to rib cage) and shake the water off your hands.
  • Stand with feet no wider than 12 inches apart
  • Try not to stand with your feet more than a squat stance
  • Stay loose, and don’t muscle it, or it will be floppy, and not oscillate properly
  • Always anchor the Inertia Wave 24-36 inches apart, waist line high.
  • Do not stand tall, have a slight bend in ankles, knees, and hips.
  • Act as if you’re waiting to receive a serve in tennis
  • Act as if you’re addressing the ball in golf
  • Stand as if your waiting for someone to run at you
  • Try not to look down
  • Shake the water off your hands (Our favorite)
  • Always Keep cervical posture neutral
  • Try not to muscle it, the tubes will start to lose energy and slow down.
  • Keep your hands as close to your torso as possible
  • Try not to extend your arms out in front of you
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